
Notebook, 1993-



Not in accordance with or conforming to rule, law, procedure, custom, pattern . . . . Lacking perfect symmetry or evenness . . . . Lacking continuity or regularity esp. of occurrence or activity

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Irregularity adj [ME irregular, fr. MF, fr. LL irregularis not in accordance with rule, fr. L in- + regularis regular] [14c] 1a: not being or acting in accord with laws, rules, or established custom [__ conduct] b: not conforming to the usual pattern of inflection [__ verbs]; specif: Strong 16 c: not following a usual or prescribed procedure; esp. Brit: celebrated without either proclamation of the banns or publication of intention to marry [__ marriage] 2: not belonging to or a part of a regular organized group; specif: not belonging to a regular army but raised for a special purpose [__ troops] 3a: lacking perfect symmetry or evenness [an __ coastline] b: Zygomorphic [__ flowers] 4: lacking continuity or regularity esp. of occurrence or activity [__ employment]
-syn Irregular, Anomalous, Unnatural mean not conforming to rule, law, or custom. Irregular implies not conforming to a law or regulation imposed for the sake of uniformity in method, practice, or conduct [concerned about his irregular behavior]. Anomalous implies not conforming to what might be expected becausr of the class or type to which it belongs or the laws that govern its existence [her drive made her an anomalous figure in a sleepy organization]. Unnatural suggests what is contrary to nature or to principles or standards felt to be essential to the well-being of civilized society [prisoners treated with unnatural cruelty].

Irregularity n [ME irregularite, fr. MF irregularite, fr. MI. irregularitat- irregularitas, fr. LL irregularis] [14c] 1: something that is irregular [as improper or dishonest conduct] [alleged irregularities in the city government] 2: the quality or state of being irregular 3: constipation

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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